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How well do you hear your inner voice?

This test will show you.

Stop looking outside of yourself. You were created with the ability to walk in alignment with your purpose without constantly having to ask for other people's advice or opinions.

YOU are the interface for heaven and earth.

God gave you a built-in way to connect deeply and consistently to what you need so you can live life to the fullest.

Your intuition is a gift and it's designed to lead you on the path of abundance and life....


..are you resisting it or following it???

This test will help you:

Easily recognize certain areas that indicate disconnection from your inner voice

Have a clear understanding in under 10 minutes of how well you listen to and follow your intuition

Know what step you need to take next to continue aligning with your inner voice

Hey, I'm Erin

Ever since I was a child I had strong feelings and impressions that I often ignored and didn't know what to do with even though my impressions were consistently correct.

I didn't know this was an intentionally designed part of my being that was there to help guide me to my purposes in life.

It wasn't until 2020 when I ended up in the ER with debilitating pain in my body from the stress of being in a situation that I knew I needed to leave - and

I stopped resisting my intuition.

I have worked through

freedom from religious programming

that told me that this part of my being was something I should be afraid of.

I now hear my inner voice daily and am able to trust it deeply.

I know exactly what my intuition is saying to me.

I have peace in every decision I make, I am living a dream I have always had of travel with my family, I have relationships that don't suck my energy, and provision flows into my life for what I need because I am walking in alignment with my purpose.

The intuition is your super-power and embracing it is the gateway to your purpose.

In this self-test you will learn how connected you are to your inner-voice and how well you embrace it.

If you want to walk a path in life where what you need opens up in front of you because you're in alignment with your purpose, knowing this is the first step.

Take the test now ↓

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